This is a picture of the lake on the south side of our camp. There's no fish in this one, as far as I know, but a couple of my coworkers caught some fish at the next lake down. We'll be having them for supper as soon as there's enough. I'm sure Gary's crushed about having to go fish some more. :)
And, the picture below is what we're here for. We all got

the talking-to before we got out there about what we could and couldn't bring back... so no samples, sorry guys. ;) However I did get some nice pieces of some other minerals, and I'll post some pics once I have a suitable setup for my camera.
wildlife count: duck and duckling family; 6 (!!!) eagles of some kind.
ohh you seem to have already cut your finger =(
lol. actually it was a particularly unpleasant hangnail-- i mean, yes, i sliced it open on some particularly sharp shiny minerals... ;)
lol nice recovery =)
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