Yesterday was one of the last really nice days we're likely to get, so I spent some time in the evening taking some photos. I also found out it was blueberry season so I picked myself some delicious berries as well. :)

This plant is related to Labrador tea, but I'm not sure of the name. You can see by the red that leaves are starting to turn... (it's also blurry, I wish I had a tripod, my knee isn't cutting it.)

I like how the hills look when only parts of them are sunlit. The clouds have been pretty low the last couple of mornings, and this morning they were low enough that the helicopter couldn't fly until almost 10.

More turning leaves.

A couple of neat fungus-like things.
More pics upcoming soon, we had some pretty impressive aurora last night...
Hi-O!! Nice pics! I love the leaves on the Labrador tea relative - they look Japanese. At least you have some colder wx than here - we're getting ready for the end of Hanna. Sigh. I hope my roof stays on. By the way, I loved the photo of the deep fried ice cream. Was it coated in tempura batter first? Talk to you later. icudbx.
The ice cream was coated in crushed up corn flakes with some cinnamon and sugar added.
It was really, really good.
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