A couple more landscape pictures. The sunset pic is another photo, a little later at night (sometime around midnight I think), from the night I saw the fox. He's been spotted a few more times hanging around the camp.
The shoreline pic is from Ruby Island, where my boss and I have been doing some mapping. It's going well and I got to pan some sediments for any rough stones, which was fun. Found some little ones, but we still have to clean and sift the fine stuff to get them out.
The white rock is pegmatite (a rock type consisting of very coarse-grained crystals that have intruded (while molten) in to the existing country rock. The thing that's neat about these chunks of country rock is that they have very clean edges and near-90 degree corners, which is very cool. Usually stuff melts and you end up with oblong blobs, so the breakage likely happened later in the history of the intrusion.
lovely sunset pics... so late!
First picture = awesome. Love it. Love!
glad you like it. ^_^ The colours came out really well. Next time I will use a tripod so I can lose the fuzziness around the edges.
The sun is setting a little earlier now. It starts to get twilit about 10:30 now, compared to midnight a couple weeks ago.
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