The little white ones in the first picture were on a cliff face next to the harbour in Fiskaenesset.
The second picture is from Fiskaenesset as well, from a field next to the helicopter landing area. I think they are crowberry blossoms. So far this is probably my favourite picture that I've taken here. I really like the out-of-focus rocks in the background.
The third one was out in the field the other day. I asked Aaju what they were called and she told me, but I can't remember, so I'll check again sometime. They looked very much like fuchsias, just skinnier.
The second-to-last ones are good to make tea with. You just steep the whole plant (flowers, leaves and all) in some boiling water. I didn't try this one but there is a variety of labrador tea that grows here. Mike made some of that the other night and it was quite nice.
These last ones are called pincushion flowers.
I heart the macro setting on my camera. ^_^
How does your time off work? Can you just take off and snap photos whenever? Or do you have an official schedule?
I pretty much just take photos whenever. :) If we're out in the field and see something cool, we can just go take a pic of it - no one is breathing down our necks or looking over our shoulders.
There isn't really an official schedule, although it will probably start getting more structured when the mapping really gets going. I've been working something like 10h days, mostly, so any time outside of usually about 8-6 is free time. But the workday is really flexible too - obviously today I had time to update my blog. ;)
pink variaties might be easier to grow in that harsher environment...
I had another thought about it but i've forgotten it...
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