Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Things I didn't expect to find in Iqaluit

  • a co-op greenhouse
  • a delicious shwarma/donair place
  • a 24h snack bar/convenience store
  • reasonably-priced produce
  • an active composting co-op program (including worm composting)
  • the awesome yard sales!
I'm sure I will have stuff to add to this list as I explore some more. My plans for this weekend involve more yard sales (yay) and checking out the library and the visitor's centre.

Also, I picked up my first rock this afternoon on my way home from the grocery store. That means I made it five whole days without collecting a rock. -_- In my defence it's awesome and is full of garnets (one is the size of my thumbnail!).


icudbx said...

Hi!! Gonna try this again. This morning's response didn't go through. Are any of the garnets big enough for your jewelery work? If you don't spot a breadmaker at the yard sales, I'll ask Wanda if she sold hers. Have a good time this week-end. Me.

alia said...

don't worry about the bread maker - then you have to mail it up here, and that will take forever. I will very probably find one up here, there's a huge yard sale on Saturday this weekend so I'm going to bring some money and see if I can find one. :)